Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life With 2 Positive Tests!

Yes is official! Ray and I are going to be parents!!!! As you know I had been going to the doctor and was on some pills. Well I took the provera which is for 10 days and by day 20 I still hadn't gotten my period so I called my doctor on Friday the 21st. I made an appointment for Tuesday and when I was talking with the nurse she asked if I had taken a pregnancy test I said no. I was kinda caught off guard since I hadn't been ovulating when I had gotten my blood done, I just never thought I wasn't ovulating due to being pregnant! So I took the first test Friday night and was shocked when it was positive and so I went out on Sat morning and bought another one! God is amazing! I went to the dr. on Tuesday and I got my first ultrasound! It was amazing to see the little tiny thing growing inside of me! I am 6 weeks and I am due July 22nd! If it is a boy his name will be Brandon Ray and a girl Elizabeth Anne! We are so blessed and it was truly a Thanksgiving to be thankful! We bought the first baby outfit last week that came with a matching blanket. Then the photo is of Ray and I on Saturday for Apple Cup! The Cougars winning was an extra special bonus to the day as well! I can't wait to share photos of my growing belly with everyone! (I can only fit into one pair of my jeans!!!)


Patterson's said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! What wonderful news!!

Left Coast Wifey said...

You truly do have an amazing story to tell... hope you are writing in the baby book already!! =) I love that you have names picked out already - I love both of them!! =)

Karen said...

Congratulations, my birthday is July 23rd, mabye it will come one day late and we can share the date!