Thursday, July 23, 2009

Life With More Photos of Elli

Going Home Outfit
What we came home to - thanks Jess & Vickie!
4 Generations of Women
Elli with Aunt Jess
Our little family!
Mommy and Elli - tired little girl!
When Max first met Elli
Isaac and Elli - He was happy to meet his girlfriend!
Isaac looks like he has a trick up his sleeve!
'I love you' butt on her heart onesie
Great Grandma Williams with Elli - her 2nd great grandchild
Great Aunt Mardel
Great Aunt Karen
Grandma Linda and Elli match
Big Brother and Little Sister

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life With Baby Elli!

Elizabeth Anne Isom has arrived!! She was born by C-Section on July 15th at 4:35pm! She weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long! She was definately a big girl! Her head was 15 1/4 inches around so it was definately a big head so I'm glad we chose a C-section a week early!

We had to be at the hospital at 2pm for the 4pm surgery so we had the day to finish getting ready. Since I couldn't eat anything for 8 hours before the surgery...ABSOLUTELY nothing not even a mint, we went to the 12th Ave Cafe in Issaquah and I had a great cheese, ham, onion and avacado omelette and pancakes and it was wonderful!! It was definately hard to not drink any water all day though! We then went to Target to get more baby hangers but they were out so we went to Fred Meyer as well. We took the rest of the day to finish cleaning the house up and packing our bags. Jessica and her parents were so nice to volunteer to watch Max for the few days we would be gone so we dropped him off at Kevin & Vickie's before we headed to the hospital.

When we got there they took us to a pre/post-op room that was small and only had curtains. With all the construction they are doing inside they are having a hard time finding room for everything. Ray's dad and Joan were there really early which was pretty surprising. Turned out that everyone in the family besides my dad and Ryan showed up before we even went into surgery. They had to ask me a lot of questions about medical history and sign some paperwork and do my IV and what not. They put the fetal monitor and her heartbeat was great. They also put the monitor for contractions and I was having contractions every 7 minutes with a few pretty big ones in there. She still hadn't had dropped yet though so who knows what would've happened if we had waited.

The OR was extremely was hard not to shiver when he was about to give me the spinal block. I didn't even feel the needle in my spine which was great. Was a crazy feeling to have your body slowly go numb. I could tell they were doing stuff but all I could feel was a pressure and no pain. Ray was sitting by my head and the anesteologist was by my head the whole time as well. It only took a few minutes to get Elli out and it was amazing! I could talk and hear and know everything that was going on. They took her and cleaned her up and weighed her right away and then gave her to Ray. Ray did videotape everything from when they pulled her out to when he go to hold her the rest of the time. We then went back to the same room we started in to give Elli a bath, feed her and get me cleaned up. I knew the family was waiting but we were pretty busy with everything and then Elli wouldn't eat for our first feeding. They all finally came back...all 8 of them!! We then got moved to the mom and baby room and it was nice to finally be in 'our' room. People started leaving soon after that and then Aunt Karen and Uncle Jim showed up and got to see Elli before going to the lake for the weekend.

It was a long first night, I only slept about 10 mins at a time...not too easy to sleep in the hospital and got our first hint of what is to come in the next 18 years or so...haha!

So enjoy the few photos I uploaded of our beautiful little girl!

Before her 1st bath
Getting ready for her sponge bath
Getting her hair washed
My 1st time holding my daughter
1st time Grandparents
Grandpa Randy
Grandma Rhonda
Aunt Shawna
Uncle Randy
Uncle Ryan