Thursday, March 20, 2008

Life as an Exhausted Woman

So at the moment I am truly exhausted but there is a cheesecake in the oven so if I ramble...I am sorry!

I made my first invoice for Julie's Cheesecake & Catering. It felt crazy to actually make an invoice! And since it was my first one and I know the budget that the company has for food, I made a pretty good profit! I now know what I really need to charge for the Lasagna lunch and cheesecake. :) I would love to start doing this more but it may be easier if I didn't have a full time job!

On the subject of jobs...I didn't get the promotion. I'm not really surprised since they didn't promote me to assistant manager right away. I'm really trying to not let it get to me too much but there have been a couple of moments that it hit me. The new manager is Benjamin...Ben...and he seems nice so far. I hope I like him and vice versa. I am already starting to respect him which is a good thing. Last week we went Bowling with both us and the North Bend property. It was so much fun! We really need to make it a regular thing we all had such a good time. And I am soooo not a good real bowler. Good at wii bowler but definately not realy bowling.

So this wii is so addicting! Ray plays almost everyday after work. He is a pro in everything but boxing. I can still knock him out in boxing. :) You can do wii fitness everyday to find out your wii age and my age for the past couple of weeks is all over the board. I've been as young as 24 and as old as 58! It is great fun!

I have no new wedding news as of right now. I think this is the calm before the storm!

I have been working out and I'm getting kinda frustrated. The first week I started working out I gained 6 pounds! Very annoying! And now that I've been trying to work out (key word trying) 3 times a week I'm still staying steady at that weight! I so have a hard time eating healthy food. I just can't seem to make myself stay with a diet! I just love food so much I can't control myself!! My planter faciitis seems to be getting a little better. I bought some arch supports that I wear everyday and I've been wearing my heeled boots everyday and that helps. My whole body is always sore now because of our bed. We SOOOOO need a new bed I can't even handle it anymore!

Anyway, the timer is going off on the cheesecake for tomorrow's catering!

Quote of the Day: Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. -- Thomas A. Edison

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Life With A Survey

10 Years Ago:
Oh wow that was awhile ago...I was probably at church or on some church outing our hanging out with friends.

Things on my to do list today:
I already completed one task and that was cleaning this house! So pretty now!
Also hanging out with the family, calling Jaime and Kyle (cousins) and playing WII!!!

If I suddenly became a billionaire:
I wouldn't be working in Renton, I would own a house and another dog and a boat! :) Then I would fly to see Jess and Steve and Julie!!

Three of my bad habits:
1. I pop my knuckles constantly. It has been a habit I try very hard to break but it just feels so good sometimes!
2. I have a tendancy to be negative and pessimistic.
3. I throw my clothes on the floor wherever I happen to take them off when I get home.

Five jobs I have had:
Jamba Juice
Daycare Teacher
Old Navy
Admin/Accounting Assistant
Assistant Property Manager

Five things people don't know about me:
1. I just colored my hair last weekend to a dark brown. Still deciding if I like it.
2. I can no longer drink coffee and soda on a daily basis as I was doing before due to no longer having a gall bladder. I miss my dr pepper and my 32 oz iced soy white chocolate mocha with caramel! But hopefully not having them will help me lose some extra pounds!
3. I have little food addictions about once a month where I eat that one thing all of the time. Right now it is Dreyer's Slow Churned Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. (probably cancelling out the lack of soda and coffee!)
4. I bought a wii the other night and I'm trying my hardest to get a perfect score and beat my dad!
5. I love reading these surveys and I don't mind filling them out, but I dislike them for one reason: I never have anybody to tag because they've already been tagged!!! So if you're reading this and you have a blog and you haven't done this survey, please consider yourself tagged and I can't wait to read more about you!!!---I agree with Julie P!!