Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Venting on our long line of temps

Ok, so this is getting really ridiculous! Apparently I am the problem and that is why we can't get a person to stay at this position. I have no idea why our first girl left but out of the 3 temps we have had we have rec'd the following feedback...

"Julie was condenscending towards me. She had a bad attitude."

"I was not trained on the phones, was not given a break, was not given a regular lunch."

So basically this is all really baffling to me. So the first girl, basically her issue was that she didn't want to work here so she was telling the agency whatever she wanted to get out of it and was happy when I complained about her...Still I don't understand how I was condenscending. I've asked people up in this front office as they can hear me training and they have no idea where that came from either.

So the second girl we had come in on Friday. The first comment out of her mouth was that she didn't like the traffic on 405 and never wanted to make the drive again....ok, so basically she doesn't want to come back right? Well, I trained her on the phones and the mail, it was a slow day on Friday and I knew that she didn't want to be here so why show her how to do a lot of stuff? So I was up here for an hour in the morning showing her how to answer the phones and believe me, she had every piece of paper she could that had to do with the phones so I don't know why she had no instruction on this...got me on that one. With the breaks, I told her to let me know when she was going on a break and I would take the phones, nobody else had a problem with this but her. So since I didn't come up and tell her to go on one, she says we didn't let her. So at noon, I show her how to give the phones to Adrienne, which she does, and I invite her to come back and join everyone for lunch and she declines and says she has errands to run so I tell her to be back by one. So don't know why she is saying that we forgot about her so she got a short lunch...

I just dont get this. I don't think that I'm talking rude or not showing them something. What the hell am I doing wrong?

So now Adrienne says this is a problem and she will probably start doing the training. HA! That's funny. That will definately not go over well. But fine with me, then I can actually get my own work done seems how I've been training in addition to my regular job...

Ok, so this was my venting post. Hope you all enjoyed it....Hopefully this will make me feel better. Everyone here is telling me to not let it get to me but kinda hard when it's more than one person saying something and your own boss takes their word over yours...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

No new receptionist

Ok, so what I thought was going to work out really isn't. We really don't get along. Guess we have to keep looking....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New Receptionist

Ok, so we finally found a receptionist that I like. She is only a temp-hire but hopefully we will hire her. We've had such a hard time finding people! So much stressful stuff here at work. My shoulders are rocks right now!! The one thing I wish is that I had money so I could get a massage, I so need it! Not much to write, life hasn't really been exciting. I almost fell asleep in class yesterday, I have a mid-term tonite. No plans for the long weekend because of that whole money issue. Anyway, just thought I'd write a quick update.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Ok, starting at top from left to right:
The view of the water from our hotel
Me and Ray in our room
Me and Ray on the beach at sunset
Beautiful Haystack Rock

Friday, May 12, 2006

Cannon Beach

So Ray and I got back on Wednesday from our trip down to the coast. It was absolutely beautiful! It was such a nice and relaxing trip that I think we both needed a lot.

Ray's surprise was balloons, cake, candles, a mug with taffy set up by the hotel. It was actually a surprise which was great because I usually can't surprise him. He even searched the car for it because he wanted to know what it was. The cake wasn't that great but he enjoyed everything else.

We left on Sunday and the plan was to go to a mall in Portland because of a store I wanted to go to but we changed our minds. We stayed in the Hillsboro/Beaverton area and ate and did some shopping. You know Kohl's? Well here we always see commercials for all of their great sales, well there isn't one in Washington. Well, we were on our way to lunch at Carl's Jr....so yummy by the way, and we passed Kohl's so we had to turn around and go in. I found some cute skirts but they looked funny on so I passed on those. But I have been looking for a basic black purse forever and I found one there. It is perfect. We then went to PF Chang's for dinner. I know there is one in Bellevue but Ray had never been and that sounded good to him. He loved it of course. We got mongolian beef, sweet & sour chicken and asparagus. It was delicious!

So on Monday morning we set out for the beach. It took a little over an hour to get there, we were in the mountains most of the time and it was raining off and on which was annoying. But as soon as we got past the mountains and started down the coast it was beautiful. We got a little lost when we got into town because the main road through town was closed so we had to get back on the freeway to get to our hotel. Our hotel was a little ways from the downtown area, probably 2 miles but it was perfect. The hotel is more like a cabin type place. So nice, so there was a bunch of buildings and probably like 2-5 rooms in each building. It felt more like a cabin than a hotel room. We had a jacuzzi in our room so that was lots of fun. We had a small view of the water but the room was great. We had dinner the first night at Bill's Tavern. Just bacon cheeseburgers but good. I had a sample of some blackberry beer. It was ok. I'm not much of a beer person but the blackberry definately made it have a different after taste. For Ray's bday we did some shopping. We still had to get his mom a mother's day present and we found a store that she would've loved. We got her some stuff there and I hope she enjoys them. We went to dinner at a local place. It was ok, they almost didn't serve Ray a beer since his license expired that day. We both had halibut and chips. Kinda skimped on the halibut but there were more than enough fries.

We left on Wednesday morning. We stopped in Seaside to see what it was like and we definatley like Cannon Beach more. Seaside was older and more touristy and more dirty. Same with Astoria, just didn't really appeal to us. We know that we will definately be going back though.

Here are a couple pictures. I can only put so many on there. I have them on www.kodakgallery.com if you would like to see the slide show.

Ok, so no pictures. It is being retarded and not letting me add any pictures. I even tried to put them on a new post and that didn't work. I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Ok, so work is still crazy. We still don't have a receptionist and I am on vacation next week. So besically if we don't hire someone in the next three days, which would be very fast, we're going to have to bring in a temp to help out while I'm gone. Jo just had great timing huh? Decides not to come back to work and doesn't let anyone know. That's just really really rude and I think immature. You would think a grown woman with 3 kids would have a little more work ethic.

Anyway.....Just three more days of work and then we're on our way to Oregon!!!! :D We're so excited! It will be a great birthday for him! I have an extra surprise set up for him while we're down there. We're leaving on Sunday morning and going to spend the day in downtown Portland and then stay the night in Hillsboro. Then on Monday morning we'll head over to Cannon Beach and stay there until Wednesday. It kinda stinks because I have school and it would be good to come back in time for that on Wednesday, just kinda cuts into stuff. We're not really sure yet what we are going to do while we are down there but we'll figure it out. We're excited either way.

Well, I should get back to work, been busy. Check out the links on the side, my MaryKay website is now up and running! You can go online and place an order and pay with a credit/debit card! Would love to see some orders from everyone. My favorite product is the Satin Hands set for $28. This stuff is amazing! It makes your hands (and feet if you choose to use it on them) so soft and gets rid of all the dead skin. Take a look at the website and contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!