Saturday, November 21, 2009

Busy Friday & Fever Saturday

So today I went to work for a half day so I could leave early to take Elli to her 4 month check-up. I had an appt too but it had to be rescheduled. So in the morning Elli went to Grandma's and she had friends over so she didn't get a nap. Then she went to see Daddy, Grandpa and Uncle Ryan at work which is where I met up with them. My mom went with us to her Dr appt. Elli weights 16 lbs and is 26 inches long! That means she has grown 2 lbs and 1.5 inches since her last appt a little over a month ago! She is the 95% for everything. The doctor was impressed with how she can sit up by herself, how much she stands and that she may get her first tooth soon. She also got 2 shots and she did wonderful! She didn't cry at all for the first shot! For the 2nd one she cried until I picked her up and then she was fine. What a big girl! After the Dr. we went to JCPenney to get her pictures taken. It went ok, it is a hard age to get them to smile. We picked a few to buy so excited to pick those up on the 30th. :) So since Elli never got a real nap except for 30 mins in the car rides she was exhausted when we got home. She slept for about an hour and then got up and had a bottle. As soon as she was done with her bottle she fell asleep cuddling with me! This morning though she got up at 5:00am. After a small bottle she went back to sleep with us until almost 9. When we got up I noticed she was very hot and took her temp. She had a fever of 100.3! Poor baby! She is much better now, back down to 98.2 but not a very fun morning for her!But she sure enjoyed her peas later!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NaBloPoMo Wins! Julie Loses

So I am way too busy to blog daily! And my life just isn't interesting enough to blog so much! I wish I had time to go out and do more but Elli is a lot of work! This weekend I should have some interesting things to tell you about so stay tuned!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hello from Elli

Hi everyone. It's Elli again. I'm 4 months old now! Mom and Dad say I am a drool monster. I must be getting some teeth soon because my mouth hurts so much. Some days it is hard to stay happy because of the pain. I sat up all by myself the other day. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me! I even gave them a big smile for the photo op! I'm also eating cereal and 1st foods now and I'm a very good eater! I had a busy day today with Grandma, Aunt Mardel and Karlin so now I'm almost ready for bed. I'm such a big girl I'm already wearing 9 month clothes!! I still don't have many pairs of shoes that fit me though, I have little feet. On Friday Mommy and Grandma are taking me to the Dr for my 4 month check-up and later that evening I am getting my pictures taken at JCPenney! I'm going to look super cute!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Elli's 1st Time In The Snow

So yesterday was the first little snow of the season!! It was icy this morning and quite a few accidents up north. We took a little drive up to Snoqualmie pass to see how our car did in the snow. We got to introduce Elli to the snow and she didn't think much of it yet. She couldn't really move with how bundled up she was! :) Here a some photos of our beautiful trip to the mountains!! I can't wait until the snow is at our house!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Want to buy me a gift???

So posting every day is extremely hard! Thinking of things to blog about (I can't think of anything interesting to say!) And the fact that Elli hasn't wanted to go to sleep the last 2 nights and has been up after 9 so I'm exhausted by the time she goes to sleep! But on to better things...

I have always been one of those kids that made a Christmas list for my parents and everyone else that would buy me something...and I never grew out of it! :) My brother says I get everything off my list because I'm spoiled. Well just because I ask for it doesn't mean I have to get dad is the one that spoils me by getting what is on my list. :) And Ryan is really bad about not telling people what he wants/needs and so if he would just make a list he would probably get that stuff too! :) So here is what I have put on my Christmas & Birthday list so far this year! (Feel free to get me anything you want!) ;-)

Gift card to Target
Adobe Photoshop (Costco has a coupon for $30 off!)
Money to go towards a plane ticket to MT
Money to go towards new flooring in our condo
Gift card to DSW (I need new shoes...I'm down to 2 pairs for winter)
Cuisinart ice cream/sorbet/frozen yogurt maker
Someone to come in and paint my bedroom - we already have the paint
Pay off my mortgage
Find someone to buy my car
Ray to get a new job so I can stay home
A storage unit for 2 years - already paid for

I think that is all I could come up with now...some are dreams of course but I always have to put the dreams never know who is reading my blog!! ;-)

Monday, November 09, 2009

Done & To Do

What I've accomplished this last week:
  • Purchased 2 picture frames for 2 Christmas presents today at Kohl's (BOGO sale)
  • Made Elli's 4 month check-up appointment for next Friday
  • Purchased fleece for a blanket for myself and for a Christmas present for someone special
  • Got all the laundry done! (Until we made more today)
  • Made a delicious dinner last night
  • Organized Elli's clothes - pulling out clothes that are too small
What I need to do this week:
  • Do a photo shoot with Elli
  • Find someone that needs little girl clothes...I have SOOOOOO many that don't fit her anymore!
  • Complete all the laundry AGAIN
  • Get an oil change on my car
  • Make the blankets with the fleece I bought
  • Take my coat to the dry cleaners
  • Get my pants hemmed - stupid hem came out the second time I wore them!
Wish me luck on my TO DO list!!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Chicken Fried Chicken!

So I didn't get everything that I wanted to get done today but I did make a yummy dinner!! :) Ray went to the Seahawks game so I wanted something warm & hearty for him to have when he got home and I remembered I had some Country Gravy mix and so I made fried chicken and mashed potatoes! The breading turned out he best yet!! It was perfectly coated, it didn't fall apart in the oil and it got nice and crispy!! I skipped the bread crumbs and just did flour, egg, flour, egg, flour. I know the plate looks bland and boring but it was delish!!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

Ray and I just finished watching this movie. I'm sure everyone has seen at least one movie regarding Hitler and Nazi's and the war. This movie touches in a different way. It really shows how innocent people are and how kids can tell when someone is good or bad. It is a heartbreaking movie also from a parent's perspective, as well as to watch a marriage suffer due to the war as well. Althought it is a sad movie it is based on history and it was good. (Just make sure you have kleenex)

Friday, November 06, 2009

Weekend Plans

Thank goodness it's Friday!! Tonight I did a little shopping after work and got myself 3 shirts, a pair of tights and a pair of jeans! I really needed a new pair of jeans so I'm very happy I found a pair. :)

On Saturday we are doing a little shopping at Kohl's for Randy's birthday present...stuck on what we should be getting him though! Tomorrow evening my cousin Kyle has a championship soccer game so I'm hoping it isn't raining to Elli and I can head over there.

Sunday is football day! I'm in 2nd place in our fantasy league and I'm projected to win again this week. I just hope I can keep this up! I sooooooo want to win! 1st prize is $225! That would almost cover one plane ticket to MT!!!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

A day of Firsts!!

Today Elli rolled over for the first time!! It is very exciting that Elli rolled over, the scary part is that I wasn't with her and she rolled off the couch! Thankfully she landed on her bumbo chair (see photos below) and didn't hit the floor. She seems fine, just got scared really. So yay for rolling over!!! :)

Elli also had cereal for the first time tonight!! She did great and just as messy as expected! We had a bath ready for when she was done eating! I can't believe how much our little girl is growing up!!

The first bite!
Thinking about things
Messy girl
Crazy messy girl!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hopes of Refinancing

So we are in the application process with B of A and a Title company here in Issaquah to refi our condo. There is a new FHA rate reduction program out there that we qualify for! It looks like we may be saving over $300/month! I'm just praying that this isn't too good to be true and that all of the application process and the closing process goes well! Our contact at B of A said that if when we get to the closing table and we don't like what is in front of us that we can back out. He said we have his word on the costs and the monthly savings. So just keep us in your prayers as we complete this process because it is very much needed!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


So tonight I pulled out my high school yearbooks and it was interesting to remember those days for about 15 minutes. You can totally tell that my Senior year wasn't as good as previous years, I had less than half of the friends sign my yearbook as years before. There were a lot of little things that made the year bad but I won't ge into all of that. I think there was one senior on the yearbook staff that year as well which was bull. They totally messed up on my Senior photo. They put someone else's name under my picture and then put my name under someone else's photo. I hope that people don't look at that years later and think that is really me...oh goodness! As I was looking through it, there was so much stuff in the yearbook that made no sense and was really actually stupid and not done correctly. I never have looked back on my high school days and wished I could go back. I do miss the girls that I was best friends with in high school. We were together almost everyday and we leave each other comments maybe once a month on Facebook. I always thought that we would all be friends through the years but I guess God had different plans for my life than He did for theirs. The only year I enjoyed was my Junior year, that is when I actually had friends and went to school. I really hope that Elli has a great High School experience and is involved in sports and clubs to make the most of what it has to offer.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Random Thoughts...

I can't think of a topic to write about tonight so here are a bunch of random thoughts going through my head right now...

  • my lips are so unbelievably chapped and not getting any better - anyone have a suggestion other than chapstick, mary kay or carmex?
  • Elli is almost too big for one of my favorite sweatshirts and leggings outfit that is 6 months size!
  • Looks like Matt & Amy Roloff (Little People Big World) just might be the next TLC show couple to get divorced.
  • I started counting calories 2 weeks ago and have lost 7 pounds so far! :)
  • Glad the Phillies won tonight, here's to hoping they beat the Yankees!!
  • I'm sad that Elli got to meet Auntie Missa on Friday and I forgot to take photos!! Now I have to wait until Christmas to get photos of them together.
  • I hate the fact that I can fly to New York or Florida for half the price it would cost to fly to Montana!!
  • I have been loving all the pumpkin goodness of the fall season! We just found pumpkin creamer, have been loving my PSL that I get almost once a week, had Pumpkin Pie last night and just ran out of my Dreyer's Slow Churned Pumpkin Ice Cream last week!
Now you know a little of what goes on in my head while I am sitting here watching TV.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

National Blog Posting Month

So I decided to try out NaBloPoMo this year. I have seen it for the last few years but never had the urge. I am trying it this year to try to get myself back on track with blogging. So here it goes...I will try my best! :)