Friday, May 02, 2008

Life is full of mixed emotions

So I am laying in bed typing away on my blackerry so sorry for any spelling errors. Tomorrow is my wedding shower and I am both excited and bummed. I know it will be fun to hang out with the family because it always is but that is all it will be, family. Out of all the friends I invited Olga is the only one going and I consider her family over friends. I also understand that people have plans and are busy and stuff comes up but still makes me sad with every email I get of people saying they can't make it. I'm sure I sound like a Bridezilla thinking it is all about me and I'm sorry for that. I am just bummed that this is the only shower I am having and no bachorlette party and I wanted it to be really special. I only get married once and these are all once in a lifetime events. Ray tried to make me feel better by telling me it is about the two of us and our love and nothing else should matter. He is right about it being about out love and the two of us but I just have some disappointment. Sorry for being such a downer on this post, hopefully the next one will be happier!