Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Life at Home

The entry/kitchen area
Our 'new' dining room table that matches everything perfectly!

Standing in the living room looking into the dining and kitchen.
Standing in kitchen looking into dining and living.
The bathroom, I love this blue!
I LOVE our new washer and dryer!
Our kitchen! Don't you feel like you have been there now? :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life With an Insane Dog & Pictures to Prove It

This first picture is of Max's kennel. He did this on Monday afternoon. Ray came home for lunch and left again at 12:40. So when Ray got home at 5:30 this is what he came home to. The black plastic was completed destroyed! This is pretty thick plastic that he tore through! Then once he got through the plastic, he tore a hole in the carpet. That is the next picture. This hole is in our living room right in front of the TV so it is very noticeable! GRRRRRRR

Now this other hole is right in front of our bedroom door. For some reason he felt the need to get into our bedroom on Thursday. There was nothing in there for him so I don't know why he did this one! Then a photo of him after I asked who was a bad boy...and I get that look.

So in addition to Max's terror I thought I would also share with you my new view. I had mentioned before we moved that I would miss the view we had of the valley. Well our view currently isn't the best. It will get better but until then...we listen to construction all day long. I had Friday off and I was woken up at 7:00am by the workers. So here is a photo of our great new view!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Life with a pyscho dog!

Sorry it has been so long again everyone. My laptop is having some issues with blogger. I've been trying for a couple of weeks to get on and the webpage comes up as saying I'm not connected to the internet. I've tried all of their troubleshooting and changing stuff on my internet options but it just won't work. I can't even leave a comment on anyone's page! So I have some time to kill before water aerobics tonight so I am writing at the office.

So first off, moving went great! I am so thankful my dad was able to come and help us because there is no way I would've been able to help Ray the way my dad did! I was already half dead just from what I was doing! We never realized how much stuff we did have! We filled an entire dumpster with junk and garbage that we just didn't want! It is definately hard to downsize but we're managing. We are pretty much splitting the room that we share with all of our stuff. Ray has all of his Seahawks stuff on one wall and I have all of my stuff on another wall. Ray painted the bathroom a bright blue to match the shower curtain, I LOVE it! He also painted a wall in the living room a dark tan color which looks great with all the black furniture we have! We just picked up our dining room table and chairs from the office yesterday and it looks perfect! It matches the kitchen cabinets and appliances perfectly! We have a few more boxes to go through and a lot more photos to hang but we're getting there! :)

Jess was here for almost two weeks at the end of August which was wonderful! I got my hair cut and we went to Happy Hour with the fam. We also got together for Seahawks/Raiders game and had a great drunken night, the night before moving! Then they came over on Saturday to see the new place with all the boxes in it. Then on Sunday we all went to the Spaghetti Factory! :) Yummy! I'm flying over there in October to see baby Christian and do some baby shopping with Jess. They find out on October 6th what they are having! :) I can't wait! Ray said he is only going to give me cash to go shopping, no debit or credit cards! (he knows me too well!)

Funny, my dad called me on Sunday, the day after moving in to wish Ray and I a happy 3 month anniversary! Funny because I didn't even think about it that morning until my dad said something. How sweet is that? I love him! So yeah, 3 months have gone by and we already bought a home! Now it is baby time! I have a doctor appointment on the 22nd so hopefully they will tell me that everything is good to go - hopefully nothing will be wrong! :)

I can't talk much about work right now since I'm not sure who all reads this but I'm hoping for some good news soon!

The entire (well most of) family got together to celebrate all of the August birthdays. I got to see Melissa and some of her photos from her trip to Uganda. She had a great time and some of the photos were amazing! I can't believe she did surgery and delivered babies! She knows she doesn't want to be an OB/GYN! We were hoping to have Kent & Breea there as well to see the baby but they had to leave that day so I missed seeing them. I of course have not seen Nancy at all or spoken with her at all. I texted Erica during the game on Sunday and never heard anything back. They weren't at the party since they were still at Moses Lake at the time.

So...Ray called me when he got home from work tonight to tell me that Max was a bad boy. We have been in our condo for one week and he already put a hole in the carpet - in the living room no less. You have no idea how mad I am at that dog! I swear he becomes possessed when we leave the house! He tore through the plastic that sits in the bottom of the kennel and then procedded to tear a hole in the carpet, thinking that would get him out of his kennel! I'm glad that I didn't come home to this otherwise Max would've been sent back to the shelter! Luckily, they gave us some extra carpet to match our unit so I'm going to have our carpet vendor here come out and do a patch job. I have no idea what to do with Max now though. He was fine when Ray came home at lunch but after that he went psycho! I'm scared of leaving him out and having him trying to get in a bedroom or getting locked in a bedroom like before. Or leaving him in the bathroom or kitchen and him tearing up the vinyl floor or the door frame. I seriously don't know what to do with him! I don't want him wandering around and deciding to pee on the carpet - so not ok!

So I think that is about it for now. I will try and get some photos soon. Everything isn't quite put away yet but I'm trying! :)