Sunday, September 02, 2007


Ok, it has been awhile since I have posted anything and I have been very busy. So let me catch you up on what I can remember of our summer activities.

4th of July:

For the fourth we went with Julio and Christina over to their friend's house that is on Lake Washington and enjoyed watching lots of fireworks from there. We could see fireworks all around the lake and even up and over the hills into Seattle. I have no pictures on this computer yet, sorry!

Bite of Seattle:

This is my favorite event of the summer but this year was not the best. It rained all day and although I tried to not let the rain get to my attitude, it got to my body. I slipped on a metal grate and fell right on my left knee. I skinned it a little but since it is all bone it just hurt and I had no bruise to show for the pain. So after walking around for bit and eating some amazing crab cake wraps, chicken skewers, alligator and a smoothie it was time to go home.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry:

We saw this movie the day after the Bite since it didn't go too well that this was my uplifting outing. This movie was absolutely hilarious! I haven't laughed that hard in a movie in who knows how long! I highly recommend it!

We got approved to purchase a computer on and Ray let me pick out a laptop. I got a red one since we are sharing it but I absolutely love it! It is a 17" and is so big! So happy to have a laptop now and take it with me wherever.


We actually joined in the Seafair fun this year, something neither of us has ever done and we both grew up here! It was sooooooo much fun! It was the most relaxing day of the summer and I can't wait to go next year! We went out with Dan and Carin, and Julio and Christina, who's house we were at for the 4th of July and met up with a bunch of their friends while out on the water. I had such a blast watching the Blue Angels, they are amazing! I went swimming and that was fun. I had problems getting back in the boat and I slipped and hit my left knee on the motor (if you weren't paying attention above, this is the same knee I fell on less than 2 weeks earlier) We had a ton of good food and the only drawback was having work call me 6 times. The pics below are Julio and Christina, Me and Ray and the Blue Angels.

Mt Baker Cabin:

Julio and Christina rented a cabin on Silver Lake up in Mt Baker which was right outise of Bellingham. The cabin was so cute and relaxing! I ate too much food and was full the whole time we were there! (bad me!) It was a short weekend but it was nice to get away and relax. We had absolutely no cell service so we really got away. It rained most of the time we were there but it was nice to sit inside by the fire as well and play games. Pics below are of Ray out on the boat fishing, the front of the cabin (or half of it), Danielle and Christina, Ray Julio and Tom, Ray with his fish, Racoon eating bird seed and me and Ray in our standard 'us' picture.

Jaime and Dean's Wedding:

Jaime Williams is now Jaime Giampapa and married to a wonderful man that loves her so much! They had been dating for 5 years and actually waited until marriage for sex, so proud of them as it is hard to do nowadays! They are so very much in love and it was a beautiful wedding! They are off in Cabo now enjoying time with each other! I was glad to share in their joy with the rest of the extended family! And can you believer I forgot kleenex!?!?!?! Crazy me!

Lots of photos below: Jaime and her Bridesmaids, Jace my cousin and Jaislynn Dean's neice, Bride and flower girl, each vase of flowers on the table had a 'G' on them and most of the flowers were from Grandma and Grandpa's garden, wedding cake with a 'G', cousins- Melissa, Kyle, Erica, Jesse, Luke, Tara and Jace, Kristin sang at the wedding, first kiss, the happy couple, me and Ray, Grandma and Jace, Blanks kids, me and Janae, L family and Janae and Melissa

ER and Gall Bladder Surgery:

So to catch everyone up a bit I have been having very very bad pains in my stomach at night every now and then for about a year. On Tuesday morning I woke up at 3:30am with these pains the worst they have ever been. I decided at 5am that I should go to the hospital not knowing if they would be able to do anything for me. I was in ER until 7am when they took me to Ultrasound to find out if I had gall stones, turns out I had a few. I was asked if I would like surgery that day or to schedule it later. Now I know if I had waited I would've freaked myself out with the idea of having surgery so I opted for that day. I got transferred to a room around 10am and was there with Ray and my mom until my surgery at 2:30pm. So since I was getting so many attacks they took my gall bladder out. The surgery is laproscopic and it went well except for my gall bladder being inflamed but went really well otherwise. The OR was freezing cold and waking up afterwards was the worst! I fell asleep when Tiffany and Nate came by and I felt really bad for that! I was pretty good through the night but I had to get up a lot cuz of all the fluids in the IV. I got to go home around 4pm on Wednesday and I have been laying around on the couch since then. I've been trying to walk around some more but I'm still pretty sore. I have four small incisions on my stomach, one in my belly button so they should heal up well. I go back to work on Tuesday and I know work has been crazy without me so I'm not looking forward to that. Didn't take as many pictures as I wanted but here is one of me in bed (looking freaking HUGE even on a diet!) with the hippo from Tiffany and of some of my flowers! Thanks to everyone that was praying for me! Very appreciated!