Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life at 3 Months Old

Elli is already 3 months old! And for something new I have uploaded some videos of her instead of just photos! She is growing so fast!! She is wearing 6 months in clothes and we bought some 6-9 month sized items today! She learned a new noise today and was hilarious in the car on the way home from Sonic & the Supermall! (the video angle is strange but if she sees the camera she stops talking)

She is still such a good little girl. We know when she cries it is either because she is hungry, tired or her tummy is upset cuz she needs to poo but we know them all and are very blessed. She has been sleeping from around 9 or 10pm until I get her up at 6:30 or 7am every morning. She really loves to eat and still cries when we try to burp her! She is grabbing things really well and will grab my hand to chew on my finger! She will now grab her own rattle and shake it around, it took awhile for her to get to that point!

We are pretty sure she has started the teething process. I just hope this doesn't last 6 months! She chews on her hands and my fingers, she rubs her cheeks a lot, she drools like crazy and will sometimes get cranky in the middle of eating. Grandpa bought her a bumbo chair because she LOVES to sit! She is always struggling to sit herself up when she is lounging in the boppy. Grandpa also has a Mickey that talks from DisneyWorld and that has become one of Elli's favorite toys when she is with Grandma on Monday and Friday. I just love watching her facial expressions when she is watching him!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday, October 02, 2009

Life at a 2 month check-up

Elli had her 2 month check-up today. We were a little late but it was hard to figure it out with our schedule and then the days we wanted weren't available...Anyway I was thinking she weighed about 11 lbs...she weights 13 lbs 5 oz! Her head is 41 cm - both are in the 90%. She is 25 inches long. She is definately bigger than I was expecting! She is getting much better at holding her head up when she is on her tummy. She wants to laugh so bad but still can't figure it out. She has started watching Max, probably wondering what that thing is!!

We took Elli to her first Mariner's game tonight. The company took the staff to a game as a job well done while I was on leave. It was fun to spend time with people outside of work with kids and spouses for some people as well. Elli cried for the about the first 10 mins so Ray and I walked around with her so she would fall asleep. We both had hot dogs and mine burnt my mouth really bad. :( We then went to guest services and got a certificate that it was her first game. I think about 5 Safeco Field employees made sure we got that. :) We then went to the store and it was so warm in there I started sweating. We got Elli a cute little pink hat! :) She slept through the rest of the game while cuddling with Misty then Lupe then Benisha (who is 15 weeks prego!). It was fun and we can't wait to take her to her first Seahawks game in this cute little outfit!! :)