Friday, March 27, 2009

Life With A Crazy Week At Work!

So this week was definately interesting and tested my patience...which I don't have much of while being pregnant!

Tuesday morning I had my first bought of morning sickness since being pregnant. This is also the first time I have thrown up in YEARS! The last time I remember being sick was in the hospital when they had me full of drugs and no idea before that!

The oil spill covered in kitty litter

Then while I was laying in bed on Tuesday morning trying to recover I got a call that the fire & police departments were on the property for an oil spill. Turns out a resident had a 55 gallon oil drum in the back of his truck that got knocked over and spilled all over the property. So not only did the city came out but the State Dept of Ecology also came out to file a report.

The oil drum in the back of the truck

So the resident will be getting fines from both the city and the state and he will also be responsible for the cleanup we had to do in the parking lot and the storm drains. So that took about all day to clean the property and it was just a mess!!

Then Wednesday was just a tough day because I had no patience and I felt that one of my employees mis-represented himself and hasn't really been proving himself to me so it was hard for me to concentrate.

The damage to the side of the building

Then yesterday I left early so I could get my massage! But as soon as I left I had a message from Shadia that a resident called to tell us that she had run into the building. So I drove back up the hill to speak with the police and file a report.

The railings ont he ground and her front end damage

The damage to the building wasn't too bad but she did run over two metal stair railings and then backed into a tree. Still not quite entirely sure how this all happened but it did and it was interesting.
The back end damage after hitting the railings and the tree

Don't you wish you lived in Renton too???

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life at 23 Weeks

So today is the start of week 23! So next week I will be 6 months. My dad was trying to say that it didn't make sense but he forgot that you are really pregnant for 10 months, not just 9....whoever said it was 9 months? So anyway, I have started to feel her kick now. Ray hasn't been able to feel it yet cuz it is still pretty light on the outside but it feels crazy. She is starting to wake up later in the evening now so she is usually up and moving around when I'm going to bed! I'm pretty uncomfortable most of the time...I don't think I'm one of those women that LOVE being pregnant. I love that I am pregnant and what I am going to get out of this but I'm not liking being uncomfortable, being gassy, not being able to sleep, not having clothes fitting...and it is just going to get worse!! I've slowly starting the swelling stage. So some days I come home and my feet and hands are a little swollen. Nothing too bad yet so that is good. I can still wear my rings and my shoes! We bought Rock Band 2 and it is a little hard to hold the guitar because my belly gets in the way! I did buy a few more maternity pants but one pair is a really weird material so I'm going to return those and the other pair are way too long so I really need to get those hemmed! I am sleeping with a body pillow and that really does help support the tummy so it feels better to sleep on my side, just not fun for Ray to have a body pillow in the middle of the bed. I'm doing better at drinking my water with my cute new water bottle that is easier to drink out of! We found it at Target and I love it! I threw up for the first time yesterday. I can't tell you the last time I threw up so that was a horrible start to the day! I think it was acid reflux because I woke up with horrible heartburn and then got sick and felt fine. It may have been from the orange I ate before I went to bed the night before. I have my next Dr appt on April 1st so hopefully everything goes well! I think that is all my updates for now. :)
This photo was taken on Monday but close enough to today. :) My face is scary white here too!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life With The First Blossems Of Spring 2009!

I was super excited today when Ray and I were driving to Target to register for baby Elli and I saw the first pink blossems of the season! I love love love taking photos of flowers and trees and I'm excited it is that time of year again! It is officially spring but our weather is not showing it at all! Some people around the area are still getting snow and we are getting drenched with rain! I can't wait to spring is really truly here!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life With A Dog That Hurts Himself

So I know it has been awhile since I've posted and I'm sorry for that but here goes one.

So we thought we would be nice parents and give Max the entire bathroom to roam and put a baby gate up instead of putting him in his kennel. Well...apparently he still freaks out even in that large of a space! The first day he somehow knocked the gate over and was out when Ray got home. The next couple of days he had obviously scratched at the gate but hadn't gotten out. Then one Saturday we came home from running errands and we came home to a bloody dog! He had clawed and chewed the gate up so much! So when he was chewing the gate his nose was going through one of the holes and it got all torn up! So we tried to take the gate down but he had moved it in such a way that it was hard to move so he was freaking out and he knocked his water bowl over in the midst of Ray getting him out of the bathroom. INSANE!! So here is a photo of his nose a couple of days after the incident. It was all bright pink and bloody that day and this is after it has healed some. Then the gate where you can kinda see his chew marks and all the blood on it. So needless to say, Max isn't going back in the bathroom. He has been good so far with leaving him out but who knows how long that will last!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life With A Baby Girl On The Way!

Today was an AMAZING day! Ray and I went to a specialist this morning for our 20 week ultrasound! I am 21 weeks today. They just moved their offices to a new location and their office is beautiful and HUGE! The room we were in was large and had an awesome chair that starts by sitting up and then moves to you laying down. On the ceiling their was a section of small twinkly lights made to look like stars. The ultrasound machine was brand new and look incredible! So when Dr Case came in he was very nice and friendly. He got started right away with everything. He made sure to go over with us if anything was wrong but everything was perfect! Even the gel they put on my belly was warm! They have a special warmer for their gel it was great! So we got a ton of photos of Eli but it is hard to tell what they all are so I just posted these. We also bought a DVD of the ultrasound but I can't figure out how to upload it online or get it off the DVD and onto the computer...if you know videos I would appreciate the help! So Dr Case was funny when he told us the sex...he said 'And there is your daughter's labia'. It was hilarious! Ray, Jess, Lupe, my dad and a resident were pretty much the only ones that had guessed it was a girl! Eli was perfect in all ways. She weights just about 1 pound right now and is on track to be 8.25-8.5 pounds at 40 weeks. Her head is 2 inches across and 7 inches around. Her waist is also 7 inches around. We got to see her hands and fingers, it was all super amazing! So she can hear us now so he said we should talk to her. He also suggested we write her a letter today about how much we and everyone else love her and will always be there for her. I really liked his idea! :)

So we are so super excited to start decorating the nursery! I can't wait to get the paint up so we can start putting everything together! It will also be super fun to start shopping for girl clothes since we have been shopping for a year for boy clothes for Christian & Isaac! Yeah for little girls! Now Isaac has a girlfriend! :) My dad wanted a little girl so bad! He said he would buy all of the dresses since he loves little girl outfits. He is great! I asked if his bank account was ready and he said yes it was. He was great! My mom's best friend Jeanette actually came to town yesterday to see me! She went out today as soon as we found out and bought some adorable outfits for Eli! She is so sweet! She also said she wants to buy us whatever swing we want. She really spoils me! I love her and appreciate her so much! Hopefully this weekend Ray, his mom and I are going to the North Bend outlet mall where there are 3 baby outlets! I'm so excited to start buying pink!!! And whatever hippo stuff we find we will be getting! (so keep your eyes open for pink & purple hippos!)

These are the first photos of little Elizabeth Anne!
The top one here is of her heart and the bottom is the side profile of her head.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Life Spent Wondering If That Was Really Necessary

So I was on my way home tonight and this car was ahead of me at 2 lights. Now it isn't some fancy sports car or anything, just a Honda, but apparently this guy thought he was special. He was sitting at both lights just revving his engine, which then made it stink! So then when the lights turned green he just stepped on it. When he went straight through the first light he fishtailed a little. Well when he turned left here to get on 405 he totally swerved off to the side but just kept on going. I couldn't even see him once I got onto 405. So I took one photo and my flash was on and it didn't turn out so I turned the flash off and took another one. Well I noticed after I took the 2nd photo that he had his hand out the window and was patting the top of his car. I don't know if he knew I took a photo or if he just thought it was summer...which it obviously isn't since you see snow on my hood! Anyway, I just found this guy to be ridiculous and totally unnecessary! Do you agree with me?