Friday, August 22, 2008

Life With Space Bags

So this blog is just for Ray. He thinks this will be a great subject for the blog! :)

So as we have been packing we decided to try out those space bags - the ones you vacuum all the air out of. And we have fell in love with them! These bags are incredible! We put 2 wool coats, 2 down vests, 2 regular jackets, 1 large down jacket, 5 winter sweaters, and one set of sheets in the following bag. Now normally we have those jackets taking up all the room in our hall closet, the sweaters were on the shelf in my closet and the sheets taking up room in the bedroom. So you can see how big this bag was before we sucked all the air out of it.

Now look at how small the bag is after we sucked all the air out with the vacuum! This is such an easy process and just amazing at the space it saves!

We have a total of 5 of them now, two of them are filled with just pillows since we have sooo many of them! We also put a large stack of blankets and sheets in one and jsut amazed that the space difference! I really truly recommend anyone buying these bags! They are incredible! They even have travel size bags so that you can have more room in your suitcase! Just borrow a vacuum from the hotel staff before you leave to repack for the way home! :) We will be keeping all the extra bedding in the bag under our bed until we get a bed in the 2nd bedroom!

Life As a Homeowner

So it is official! We signed all the closing papers today with the title company! How exciting is this?!?! We pick up keys on Monday and then it is all OURS!!! We have our own place! We can do whatever we want! We gain equity! So happy! So we are planning on big furniture move on Saturday the 30th. We are hopefully going to be able to bring some boxes over that whole week so we don't have much to do on Saturday. We are hopefully going to paint that week as well.

So the...wait OUR...condo is on the Issaquah Highlands. It is brand new, they are still finishing up the third building of units! There is a little strip mall across the street that has a wine bar, a mexican restaurant, coffee place, eye care clinic, Curves, salon...etc. They are also starting construction soon on a new school, a grocery store, a movie theater and they are working on a new hospital up there as well! I can't wait to start moving everything in and making it our own space!
The outside of the building
The living and dining room
The 2nd Bedroom

Friday, August 15, 2008

Life With A View!

Sorry I haven't been writing much this month. It has been pretty busy getting all the paperwork to get approved, packing, cleaning, working, etc...I did want to post something though about what I am going to miss about living here...and of course what I will not miss.

I will miss walking and/or driving the golf cart to work everyday.

I will miss the size of our apartment, the 3rd bedroom and the 2nd bathroom!

I will miss the fireplace.

I will miss the two car garage!

I will miss living near Holly & Leslie! They have both become my friends and I plan on keeping them as friends!

I will miss this amazing view we have! These are some shots I took of the sunset last night and tonight!

I will NOT miss having a crappy apartment that falls apart!

I will NOT miss feeling like I am at work 24 hours a day!

I will NOT miss throwing money away for that just goes straight back to the company I work for.

I will NOT miss residents knocking on my door for a work order.

I will NOT miss the freaking heat we have to live through in the summer!

I will NOT miss the view we have below...if you can't see through the tree, that is the playground. (yes I hear children playing there until after 11:00 at night!)

I look forward to posting about the new house soon! We are super excited to move into our OWN place! :)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Life With A Forever Best Friend!

So as I was starting to pack up all my pictures the other day I of course got distracted and starting look through old photo albums and notes and what not. So I wanted to share with everyone a little something from my friend Julie! I have known Julie since we were 5 years old...that is 20 years people! I know that we may not be as close now as we used to be when we were younger but I know that I will always have her as one of my best friends! She has a wonderful heart and is always there if I need cheering up! She offers wonderful advice and she never judges!

Here are some photos of us, not too many but some of my favorites that were up around the house! :)
One of us wearing the outfits that Julie made (!) at like 11 years old!

One of us when I was visiting Julie at school.

And then one of us at her parent's house right after she and Bobby got married! :)

Here is a picture that Julie drew on the back of a poem she wrote to me. She used to write me notes all the time and when I lived in Carnation I had a whole section of my wall devoted just to Julie's notes and pictures! So here is the poem that Julie wrote on the other side of the beautiful picture! :)

My Vow To You

I've known you for a long while,
And I would not change a thing.
Our friendship makes me smile,
Oh the happiness it does bring.

And now in our lives,
We're seeing toil and sorrow.
Not being there gives me hives,
I wish I could be there tomorrow.

I hope you know I'm there for you,
As I will be throughout the years.
Whatever it is you're going through,
I'll be there to dry your tears.

I may not always be standing there
But with you I will always be.
My tender heart will always care,
And you will always have me.

-Julie Solomon

Thank you Julie for always being such a wonderful friend to me! I no longer remember why I was seeing toil & sorrow but it still makes me smile to think of what a great person you are! I love you forever!