Saturday, June 24, 2006

New Job

Hey everyone!! So, my new job is going GREAT!! I absolutely love it here! I fit in really well which is nice. Misty and Tiffany (asst manager & manager) seem really happy with me and with the hard work I've been doing. They keep telling me that I'm a fast learner. I definately want to learn as much as I can. I got my first paycheck yesterday and it was more than I was thinking it would be so that was nice. My goal is to eventually move up in the property management field. If I am a property manager that doesn't live on site then I will need my real estate license so I can go and get that now that I'm done with school!!! I took my test on Wednesday and I only got one answer wrong!! Yippee for me!! I feel like I'm the only one out of all my friends that works. Everyone is always going out and everything but if I don't get enough sleep I can't function the next day, kinda annoying. I really wish I could go out, I miss everyone but I would rather concentrate on my job. I work Wednesday through Sunday so I have Monday and Tuesdays off. It is definately different but I'll get used to it. It's been so hot over here the last 2 days and is supposed to continue to be so on Tuesday my plan is to sit out by the pool and get some much needed color in me!! I think we're going to Rhonda's tonite to watch UFC, I guess it is the finale of the reality show and Ray is super excited about it. So I was really excited because I got my pink razor phone. Well the thing was being retarded and I talked to probably 8 people employed by Tmobile and I finally talked to someone today that told me I could get a new phone on warranty!! About time! everyone was trying to tell me I needed my original sales receipt from when I bought it online (on the 10th) but it has been less than 14 days (well today is the 14th) so there was no reason for me to have the receipt. (the battery wasn't lasting more than 5 hours before dying and I got a replacement battery and that still didn't work) So, Michelle at Tmobile helped me this morning and is sending me a new (or refurbished) pink razr and I should have that in 7 days. Yeah!! No more dead cell phone! :D

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Short Update

Just wanted to let everyone know that my new job is going great! I love it! So much better than my old one! I actually love my boss which is a new concept for me!! ;-) Anyway, I will definately be writing more later, just wanted to let y'all know what was going on. xoxo

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just felt like typing about life

So I've made it this far, let's see if I make it all the way to Thursday. Bruce took me to Subway for lunch on Monday and Kim is taking me to lunch tomorrow, not sure yet what I want though. I wrote a little goodbye email to people today just to let those know that didn't already that I was leaving. I got a lot of nice emails back which made me feel good. I'm doing my best trying to train both Juli (new admin assistant) and Amy (new receptionist). It is hard to train two different people on two different jobs. Apparently Adrienne didn't believe that I really showed them how to do everything and asked them if I did or not. Whatever, she needs to stop being such a witch.

I still have some shopping to do for some new clothes. I need a blazer and it is definately not the right time of the year to go blazer shopping. The cheapest one I found was for $66.00. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to spend that much but I guess I will. I'll have to try that one on and the $80 Alfani one at Macys. Long term investment there. I did find out that I will be getting a discount on rent, not sure yet what percantage it is yet. I will probably be moving in around September. I went back on Friday to get some paperwork and it was nice to see Tiffany (manager) and Misty (asst manager) so excited for me to start. Makes me feel wanted and needed. I am definately excited to start. Nice to be getting my career started.

The teacher gave us our final test to study so that we will actually pass the real thing on the 21st. The first time I took it at home I got a 63%!!! How horrible am I! So I studied some more and she gave us some study time in class yesterday so I took it again and got an 84%! Much better! So I studied the answers that I got wrong and I now understand why I got them wrong so I will take it again tonite and hopefully it will 100%! So our final test is on the 21st and our final class day is the 26th. The time just flew right by!

I was telling Ray the other day that I can't believe it has only been a month since we went on vacation! It seems like it has been so much longer than that! I got all the pictures printed and got them the other day. Some turned out just beautiful! The sky is an extra bright bright blue in some of them and it looks so gorgeous! It was a fun trip and I hope we can take another one soon.

Jessica called a little bit ago. It was nice to talk to her since we both are so busy lately. I really want to go down and visit her in September but with moving out I'm not sure if I will have the money. And with starting a new job I'm not sure about the vacation time yet, if I get it before my first year...I think they will be up here in August, not positive though. I sure hope so because I miss her!

Oh, and the best news of the weekend...I got a pink phone!!! I got the pink razr through Tmobile and I LOVE it! So freaking cute and so fun and so exciting!!! Ray was laughing at me because I was so excited, I was like a little kid on Christmas!

So that is life right now, thought I'd share it since I don't have much to do right now. Have a great day!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006


Well, Carl took me to lunch today since he won't be here for my last week, that is if I am here next week. The way things are going today I'm not too sure if they want me to be here next week. Juli is taking my place, funny that it's another Juli. We hired a new receptionist, her name is Amy. I guess they have everything figured out and ready to go...I don't have a clue what is going on or what to do, just going with the flow.

I'm so excited to start my new job. I'm going out there tonite to start filling out some paperwork so that I don't have so much to do on the 16th. And Tiffany (my boss) is going to show me around the property some.

I was supposed to get my new pink razor phone today but UPS hasn't delivered it yet, not sure why not and I'm kinda annoyed about it. My mom was going to bring it to me but if she comes now she'll get stuck in traffic.

That's about it for today, not much to tell.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Duvall Days

Saturday was Duvall Days!! Good times to be had. I personally drank way too much and made a fool of myself. I was so excited telling Randy and Shawna about my new job and standing there in front of me is Scott. I haven't seen Scott in years!! He's still friends with Cory and he's married now. (I met Scott through Cory, Cory at Taco Del Mar) So anyway, it was great to catch up with him. Him and his wife are friends with Randy and Shawna. It's crazy what a small world it is! So in the pictures it's me and Ray of course, then Jason, Julio (who you can't see because Jason is rude) Ray and Marlis (Jason's girlfriend who I love) and then Ray and his brother Randy. I didn't take too many pictures, I was too busy drinking! ;-) I also got to see Aimee Hern, soon to be Knudson. It was fun to see her. She seems to be doing well. Her and a bunch of other girls I went to high school with had a booth down at Duvall Days.

So I went by my new job the other day and the manager, Tiffany, is just as excited about me about working there! I really think this is going to be a great move for me and a great way to gain experience in the field I want to work in. And then I will be able to move out of my parents house and have my own place which I'm so freaking excited about!! YIPPPEEEE!!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's Official!!!!

YEAH!!! I got my new job today! I'm so freaking excited! I just gave my two weeks and it actually went better than I had expected. I was asked over and over and over again if there was anything that would make me stay and there isn't. I am starting my new job on June 15th, the day after I 'graduate' my real estate class. I will be working as a leasing consultant at Piedmont in Crossroads. Hopefully I will be able to move up in the company and work in property management which is a great starting place for real estate. I love the manager and assistant manager of the site. I met with them for an hour on my interview and we got along great! I really am so excited for this opportunity to try something new!! Thanks to everyone that has put up with my crankiness the last couple of months due to my current job, I'm hoping that will change with this new job. Hope you all have as great a day as I have!!